
Two participants from Eiwitcampus in Food100!

Multiphase Dryers and Basic Theory are in the 2023 Food100! The Food100 is a list consisting of 100 preservatives, innovators and boosters that improve our food system and contribute to solving climate and food challenges. Our partner AgriFood Capital made two nice videos.

eiwit dna

Each year, an independent jury compiles this list of established leaders and up-and-coming talents from across the food chain; 50 changemakers under the age of 35 and 50 gamechangers over the age of 35. By giving these people a stage and making the list public, the food changemakers on and off the list have the opportunity to make even more of an impact together.


Together with Food Hub, Food Inspiration and Slow Food Youth Network, our partner AgriFood Capital has taken the initiative to support food changers so that they persevere and keep going. They are doing this together with their partners Rabobank, Food Impactors Summit and BO Akkerbouw and the independent judges. After all, we need both the young and the older generations for change. The food changers are chosen based on four criteria: decisiveness, innovativeness, people, planet & profit and finally sharing (of knowledge, network and insights). From the entire list, a Food Hero 2023 will be chosen.


We as Eiwitcampus are of course extremely proud of our participants! This nomination is a great appreciation for the innovative work they do. AgriFood Capital made two nice videos to surprise Merlijn Chardon (Multiphase Dryers) and Do Bongers (Basic Theory Fine Fermented Foods) with their nomination.


Read more about food changers in the food100 or curious about the food hero of 2023?

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