
Multiphase Dryers nominated for ‘Best Food & Agri Start-up 2023’!

Merlijn Chardon and Jan-Hein van Twist have been nominated with their start-up Multiphase Dryers in the new sub-category of Agri Entrepreneur of the Year. This election is organized by Boerderij, FoodAgribusiness, Groenten & Fruit Actueel and Pluimveehouderij. Multiphase Dryers has been developing a drying technology based on the use of low-grade waste heat at Eiwitcampus since 2018.

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The election "Best Food & Agri Start-up 2023" is open to participants from all food and agri sectors that are actively developing a product or service or have already introduced it to the market. The jury focuses primarily on entrepreneurial qualities, the business model, market opportunities, product innovation, product validation and sustainability/social impact. 


For example, the jury looks at the team composition, the financial insight of the company, whether the product or service is unique and contributes to solving a problem in the market and whether the product or service focuses on social impact (people, planet, profit) and sustainability.


FoodAgribusiness talked to nominee Merlijn, you can see this video here.

In addition, the public can vote for the nominees to help the jury choose the winner. You can vote via the following link: https://misset.com/stem-beste-startup/


Read more about the Best Food & Agri Start-up 2023

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