Marco wins 25,000 euros with plan for farm of the future
Eight Brabant farmers were awarded 25,000 euros on Wednesday for coming up with an innovative idea for the countryside.
Image: Studio Marco Vermeulen
Eight Brabant farmers were awarded 25,000 euros on Wednesday for coming up with an innovative idea for the countryside.
Image: Studio Marco Vermeulen
The jury, chaired by State Architect Floris Alkemade and State Advisor for Landscape Berno Strootman, selected eight winners from the province of Brabant and eight from Gelderland and Overijssel. Marco Smits, together with Marco Vermeulen and Agrofood Capital, came up with an innovative plan for the National Livestock Museum (‘Nationaal Veeteelt Museum’). They want to start so-called 'circular agriculture'. The ambitions are huge. What Strijp-S is to Eindhoven, the former farm in Beers should become to the Northeastern part of Brabant.
In the future, KI Beers should become a breeding ground for local entrepreneurship and knowledge development. With this progressive concept, the initiators want to contribute to the renewal of the countryside.
Read here what Nieuwe Oogst writes about it
Read the article of AgroProeftuin de Peel here
A breeding ground for local entrepreneurship and knowledge development. A circular, self-sufficient pilot farm that utilizes its own residual streams as much as possible and where new food production systems are being developed and tested. That is the future image of the former KI-station in Beers, conceived by architect Marco Vermeulen, rural area specialist Raymond Derks and entrepreneur Marco Smits.
In 2019, a fitting rezoning is developed for this location. In the new situation, the buildings will provide room for entrepreneurs, citizens, knowledge institutions and government to collaborate and experiment in the field of the transition of the primary sector. The circular pilot farm, in cooperation with AgroProeftuin de Peel, has emerged as a suitable solution for this transitional area and will act as a driver for the transition to sustainable production of animal and plant proteins.
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