
Kimchi from Do: what's in the barrel, does not turn sour

Cooking with plants sounds more complicated than it is. Ten contemporary chefs from the region show in the Gelderlander that cooking with plants is a piece of cake. They share their recipe so it can be recreated at home. In the latest installment of the section Peulenschil, Do Bongers shows how to make Korean kimchi.

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A laboratory in Beers is home to the all-vegetable company Basic Theory Ferments. Raw and plant-based is the credo of Do Bongers (32) who ferments 1,500 kilograms of vegetables daily into sexy dishes like pink sauerkraut and Korean kimchido. "Fermented vegetables are so good for your mental and physical health. Everyone should know that." And so should eat it, if it's up to her.


Bongers was a brewer at Nijmegen's well-known brewer Oersoep, left for Scotland where she studied brewing technology and won 14 awards. In the brewery she was involved in fermentation for the production of beers, but at home she was mainly involved in the fermentation of vegetables. She became captivated by the health benefits of eating fermented vegetables and decided that would be her new path.

"I noticed in myself that I was much happier and more energized by eating these dishes. That's what I want to share with others." So she went back to her hometown Nijmegen, to the Honig Factory. Now not as a brewer of beers but of kimchi, sauerkraut and fermented red beets.


Read more and watch the instructional video on the Gelderlander website

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