
Energetic food producers with a good plan from Nijmegen region?

The increasing demand for renewable forms of energy requires, in addition to innovation, a lot of space. Agri-Energiepark Bijsterhuizen on the A73 near Nijmegen has made optimal use of that space, providing energy for over 7,000 households, but it still lacks an energetic food producer who wants to take on the challenge at this Agri-PV park. Are you or do you know that person or organization? Then read on quickly!

eiwit dna

Much more sun can of course be "harvested" in the near future using solar panels on roofs, but agricultural land can also be used responsibly for this purpose. At Agri-Energiepark Bijsterhuizen, the infrastructure has been adapted, the solar panels are not on the ground, and therefore the soil gets light and air.


In fact, this Agri-PV system is specially designed to combine solar power generation and agriculture and horticulture, creating dual land use. In addition, light-transmitting solar panels have been used, so growing (horticultural) crops is possible with some mechanical modifications. Thus, no valuable agricultural land is taken away from Dutch agricultural land.


The total site consists of about 20 acres, of which about 17 acres consists of usable, heavier soil covered with solar panels. The space between the rows is 3.20 meters and the panels are placed at a height of 2 meters. Eiwitcampus, in cooperation with the developer, is looking for a food producer who would like to (partially) occupy the land under the solar panels at favorable user terms.

Are you or do you know someone who can and wants to incorporate agriculture or horticulture into an Agri-PV system? Or perhaps you would like more information? Then don't hesitate and contact us at info@eiwitcampus.nl.

Kaart Bijsterhuizen

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