Eiwitcampus aims to help companies develop
We were delighted to show Food+Agribusiness the developments on campus! Didy Arnold (TreeMania) was also present to explain what they are doing on the Eiwitcampus. Are you watching along?
We were delighted to show Food+Agribusiness the developments on campus! Didy Arnold (TreeMania) was also present to explain what they are doing on the Eiwitcampus. Are you watching along?
The Eiwitcampus in Beers offers companies, engaged in the food and agri sector, a place to establish themselves and the chance to develop their businesses. "Almost everything to do with food and agri comes back to protein. You need protein production to feed people and organize existence in the world. That's why we chose the name Eiwitcampus," - initiator of the campus Marco Smits.
Smits sees the campus as a place where companies can grow and share knowledge. In the future, he also wants to offer homes for participants to live on campus. In this video, we showcase the campus and some of our participants, including SoilMania who deals with soil health.
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